Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Identify Priorities, Goals, and Concerns when Entering Divorce

Ending a marriage requires individuals to rethink their plans and goals for the future. While it can be difficult to know exactly what life might look like in the future when going through a divorce, getting clear on goals, concerns, and priorities is extremely helpful when working toward the best possible outcome.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Court to Rule on Criminal Defense Issue Involving Miranda Rights

Miranda rights protect individuals from incriminating themselves in police interviews and interrogations following an arrest. These rights must be recited to individuals upon arrest to ensure they understand that they do not need to answer any questions. Currently, a criminal defense dispute in Colorado regarding Miranda rights is making its way to the state Supreme Court.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Behavior upon Arrest Can Impact Drunk Driving Defense

No one plans to be pulled over and accused of driving while impaired. But, if the unthinkable happens, Colorado drivers should consider their behavior upon getting pulled over and following an arrest. The drunk driving defense options available to an individual will depend in large part upon their behavior and the police’s behavior during this crucial period.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Tips for Finding the Right Criminal Defense Attorney

For those who are arrested and charged with a crime, finding an attorney quickly can make a big difference in the outcome of the situation. It is critical to bring in an attorney as quickly as possible in a criminal matter.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

What Are the Most Common Causes of Divorce?

Ending a marriage can make people feel like they are very alone, especially if they are surrounded by seemingly happy couples. But, the truth is, divorce is something many people in Colorado go through, and there are some very common reasons a married couple can choose to call it quits.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Does Using Cryptocurrency for Illicit Reasons Impact Drug Charges

Headlines about cryptocurrency being involved in the drug trade used to be fairly common, but now the practice seems to have decreased substantially. As Bitcoin becomes more mainstream in Colorado, the United States and throughout the world, a decreasing percentage of its overall use involves illicit activities.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

How Are Debts Divided in A Divorce?

There are many things to consider when ending a marriage, especially with regard to finances. While the issue of property division and assets is often discussed when it comes to divorce, the division of debts is just as important a topic.
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