Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Domestic Violence Against Men

While domestic violence is often perceived as an issue primarily affecting women, men can also be victims of this serious problem. Domestic violence against men includes physical assault, emotional abuse, sexual violence, and economic control by intimate partners or family members.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Substance Use in Co-Parenting

Substance use can complicate the already challenging task of co-parenting. This issue brings forth various legal, personal, and relational challenges that can and must be addressed to protect the wellbeing of the children involved.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC 

How a Domestic Violence Charge Can Affect Your Life

A domestic violence charge can cast a long, dark shadow over every facet of your life. It brings forth not only legal challenges but also personal and professional issues. It can damage relationships, disrupt your day-to-day routine, and have a significant impact on your mental health.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC 

Possible Domestic Violence Defenses

When faced with domestic violence charges, the stakes are incredibly high. Such accusations can impact your personal life, career, and freedom. If you're accused, it's crucial to understand the potential defenses available to you.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC 

How Will Colorado’s Red Flag Law Impact Domestic Violence Cases?

Domestic violence is a severe issue that plagues communities across the United States, requiring robust legal frameworks to protect victims and ensure justice. One of the recent legislative strides in this direction is Colorado’s Red Flag Law, formally known as the Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) law.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence

The implications of being falsely accused of domestic violence are very serious. The damage can be immediate, the repercussions far-reaching, and the personal toll immeasurable.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

How to Survive Probation

Probation — often seen as a period of restriction and limitation — is really a chance for growth. Instead of seeing it as a hurdle, think of it as the perfect moment to take a good look at what truly matters, develop self-discipline, and chart a course to a brighter tomorrow.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

When Does Disciplining a Child Become Abuse?

Parenting can often feel like walking a tightrope. Disciplining a child is an essential part of raising them to understand right from wrong, but where does one draw the line? We understand how these concerns can weigh heavily on your heart.
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