Domestic Violence & Neglect

Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC 

How Will Colorado’s Red Flag Law Impact Domestic Violence Cases?

Domestic violence is a severe issue that plagues communities across the United States, requiring robust legal frameworks to protect victims and ensure justice. One of the recent legislative strides in this direction is Colorado’s Red Flag Law, formally known as the Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) law.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Colorado Victims of Abuse May Fear for Their Child in A Divorce

When a parent in Colorado is the subject of domestic abuse, they may be concerned for the safety not just of themselves but also that of their child. Therefore, seeking a divorce when you are the victim of domestic violence and neglect can be challenging, especially if children are involved.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Colorado Springs Man Arrested for Domestic Violence

Married or not, significant others in Colorado often disagree. While this is a common component in any relationship, what isn’t common is for these disputes to turn violent. Domestic violence is a serious matter and is treated as such in the U.S. Thus, when an individual is accused of such a crime, it is vital that they explore their rights and determine what steps are necessary to initiate a defense against the allegations.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Helping with Your Defense Against Domestic Violence

As any Colorado resident can attest, it is not difficult to find someone that disagrees with you on something. Although disagreements are natural, these disputes could turn into heated arguments. This could be a fight in a bar, or it could be an altercation with a loved one in the home.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

What Is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a serious legal matter that affects too many American families each and every year. Readers of this Colorado legal blog may have experienced it in their own relationships or may know others who have suffered under the weight of domestic violence in their own lives.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

How Do Protective Orders Help Coloradans Stay Safe?

Most people in a romantic relationship argue from time to time. While most couples can peacefully resolve their issues, other times the situation escalates, and domestic violence and neglect occur. When this happens, the victim may need legal protection to stay safe from their abuser.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Divorce Can Be Complex when Domestic Violence Is an Issue

Domestic abuse is a sensitive topic. Whether one is the victim of domestic violence and neglect or one is being accused of domestic abuse, it is essential that the truth is uncovered and that any parties that are harmed are put in a safe position. This is especially true if a victim of domestic violence is seeking a divorce.
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Law Office of Lori Crystal, LLC

Domestic Violence and Neglect Does Not Always Leave a Mark

Not all abusers leave physical marks on their victims. Emotional abuse carries no outward appearance, and even violent acts such as shoving do not always result in a tell-tale bruise or broken bone for all to see. Unfortunately, sometimes an abuser is so charismatic that people are surprised to find out about the acts of domestic violence they have inflicted on the victim.
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