Domestic abuse is a sensitive topic. Whether one is the victim of domestic violence and neglect or one is being accused of domestic abuse, it is essential that the truth is uncovered and that any parties that are harmed are put in a safe position. This is especially true if a victim of domestic violence is seeking a divorce.
Of course, leaving an abusive relationship is sometimes easier said than done. Victims of abuse in Colorado may fear harm will come to them or their children if they try to leave. An abusive spouse can control the money in the household, leaving the other spouse with very few financial means to allow them to leave the relationship and live on their own. And, victims of abuse suffer emotionally, and may have feelings of worthlessness or powerlessness. All of these could be a barrier to seeking a divorce from an abusive spouse.
At our firm, we understand the difficulties victims of domestic abuse face. We know that they may be in a dangerous position. There may be legal protections available to these individuals that will keep them safe while they work through the divorce process. What protections are available depend on the unique circumstances of a person’s case.
No two cases of domestic violence and neglect are alike. All relationships have their own dynamics, but, when one spouse is trying to leave an abusive partner, they may face issues throughout the divorce process that other couples do not face. At times like these, having a legal advocate by their side can prove to be invaluable.